I am the Amen Osiris, child support expert, and activist. All though my documentaries are Base upon The fraud of the Burlington County Superior Court Family Part Chancery Division, and its federally funded Child Support Probation division located directly across the street in mount Holly New Jersey, the laws, words and definitions I will be quoting to you apply to any corporation you call a state.....
If you are stuck in the sewer system of federal child support, its because your are failing to realize what you are voluntarily representing, just like the crooks down at the court houses "need" you to.
I read blogs, listen to documentaries, read case laws etc. and not once have I seen anyone address and point out to you how you legally get stuck in federal child support...
In order to truly appreciate the title of this blog, STOP BEING THE "OBLIGOR" AND START BEING A "MAN" you will need to comprehend what is being presented to. Do not just read this, research it, learn it know it breath it. Never just take any bodies word for it, get it for yourself and confirm it and then you will be on your path to be free from the tyranny of these evil greedy oppressor's.
The municipal corporation known as the State of New Jersey, is physically domiciled in Mercer County and defined as the seat of government, and not a geographical land mass pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 3002 section 297(b).
Furthermore in accordance with the New Jersey Permanent Statute Data Base Title sec. 1:1-1 and 1:1-2, the word state extends to and includes every State, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone.
So here we have the State of New Jersey admitting it is under the jurisdiction of the United States and the District of Columbia.
The largest misconception and mistake that people make is that child support is not State law, its Federal....
But before I continue know these facts from this manual. it is the core piece of evidence that I simply use to expose the State of New Jersey, and its Judiciary's Child support fraud, and the violations of your god given rights as a human being.
Pg.2 This Manual is intended to embody the policies adopted by the New Jersey Supreme Court,
"court staff is required to adhere to its provisions".
"this Manual is binding on court staff".
Here you see that from hear on your rights are being violated by the New Jersey Supreme Court and it is binding on all staff, that means even what you presume to be the judge as well!!!
(A) To further confirm that child support is federal law and not state law I refer you to
- Sec.1001, Introduction
- Pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, New Jersey Rules of Court, R. 5:25-3, and federal and state law, the CSHO is authorized to hear child support cases and make recommendations to a judge.
- ( the role of the CSHO, expedited process and procedures authorized by Title IV-D of the Social Security Act)
- Sec. 1003.1 The History of the Child Support Hearing Officer Program Following the establishment of the Child Support Enforcement Program pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act in 1975
- 1004.1 Organizational Structure of the Child Support Program The Federal Government Under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, the Child Support Program is federally operated and funded.
In New Jersey, the federal government delegates the responsibility of the operation of the Child Support Program to the designated state IV-D agency. The Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development (DFD), Office of Child Support Services in the Executive Branch is New Jersey’s designated IV-D agency.
(a) here you read that child support is in the Executive Branch of Government and not the Judicial which a violation of separation of powers!!!
Now to the meat:
In accordance with GLOSSARY OF COMMON CHILD SUPPORT TERMS Published by the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES; Administration for Children and Families Office of Child Support Enforcement .
The purpose of the Glossary of Common Child Support Terms is to provide a listing of acronyms and definitions of terms used by child support workers. The Glossary is intended to be a reference tool to those who are new to child support. It will serve to break down the barriers of communication with other professional child support workers. Communication among the caseworkers, state-to-state and nationwide, is a major key to successfully processing cases and collecting payments for child support. In addition, it will be a useful tool to both the custodial and noncustodial parent in communicating with the caseworker and the public at large who desire to understand child support better.
(1) (Child Support) Financial support paid by parents to help support a child or children of whom they do not have custody. Child support can be entered into voluntarily or ordered by a court or a properly empowered administrative agency, depending on state or tribal laws. Child support can involve:
(2). (Legal Father) A man who is recognized by law as the male parent of a child. (See also: Putative Father; Paternity; Genetic Testing, DNA testing)
(3). (Obligor) The person who is obligated to pay child support (also referred to as the noncustodial parent or NCP).
(4). (Paternity) The legal establishment of fatherhood for a child, either by court determination, administrative process, tribal custom or voluntary acknowledgment. A paternity acknowledgment involves the legal establishment of fatherhood for a child through a voluntary acknowledgment signed by both parents as part of an in-hospital or other acknowledgement service.
OK now you have confirmed that child support is federal law, and it resides in the Executive Branch of the New Jersey government and not the judicial branch, and ;
the legal father is a man who is recognized to be the "male parent" and;
the obligor is the "person" obligated to pay child Support; and;
paternity is the legal (created by law) establishment of fatherhood and;
its is 100% voluntary an requires a signatures of both parents that is also 100% voluntary.
Lets look to some very interesting case laws definitions and constitutional facts.
This is how you in fact ignorantly surrender you god given rights and I have never lost this argument for my clients, nor will you..Pay close attention it gets good from here...
(CAPITUS DIMINUTIO MAXIMA) The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man's condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with all rights of citizenship and all family rights. (Blacks Law DictionaryFourth Edition Revised Pg. 264)
NJ Constitution, Article 1 Section 1. All persons are by nature, free and independent;
(FREE) not subject to legal constraint of another. (Black’s Law Dictionary Fourth Revised Edition Pg. 791)
INDEPENDANT) not dependent; not subject to control, restriction, modification or limitation from a given outside source. (Black’s Law Fourth Edition Revised Pg. 911)
This is your god given status so remember these words, this is
Article X General Provisions Sec.4 Wherever in this Constitution the term "person", "persons", "people" or any personal pronoun is used, the same shall be taken to include both sexes.
(SEX) The character of being male or female (Blacks Law Fourth Edition Revised Pg. 1594)
(MAN) a “human being”; a person of the (male sex), the term includes not only the adult male sex of the species, but (woman) and (children). (Blacks Law Fourth Edition Revised Pg. 1112)
You now know the constitution only applies to a human beings by nature (god) free and independent .
Your Rights are herein confirmed and there is no excuses from this point on!!!
Now lets go to the definitions.
1. Who is the person legally obligated to pay child support???
(A). the OBLIGOR
(1) what is a person?
(A) The person is not such because he is human, but because rights and duties are ascribed to him. The person is the legal "subject" or "substance" in which rights and duties are attributes" (given to it)
(B). SUBJECT: means one who owes allegiance to a sovereign and his laws
Blacks Law Fourth Edition Revised Pg. 1594 )
(C). SUBSTANCE; means the material or essential part of a " thing" as distinguished by form. (Blacks Law Fourth Edition Revised Pg. 1597 )
Here you now know that the phrase person when used outside of the Constitution is in fact not a human being, it is one who owes allegiance which cant be you because your free and independent, and it is described as a thin in which rights are given to.
Now lets look at New Jersey Permanent Statute Data Base Title sec. 1:1-1 and 1:1-2,
unless it be otherwise provide or there is something in the subject or context repugnant to such construction, the following words and phrases, when used in any statute and in the Revised statutes, shall have the meaning herein given to them"
PERSON; The word person includes "corporations" "companies" "associations" , "societies" "firms" "partnerships" and "joint stock companies"
You will notice that both definitions of a person outside of the constitution, is not a human being, they are subjects ,things and corporations...a corporation means an artificial person or legal entity created under the authority or of the laws of the state or nation. (Blacks Law Fourth Edition Revised Pg. 409 )
He who creates is he who controls as you have read the state creates it they own it they control it, it has no god given rights, or a soul or physical body..
Because these laws to not mention the word man or human being they lawfully do not apply to a man and here is your proof.
Expressio Unius Est Exlusio Alterius
a maxim statutory interpretation meaning tha the mention of one thing is the exclusion of another
to further confirm you may research this case law
"As rule, a definition which declares what a term "means"...excludes any meaning that is not stated" Fox v. Standard Oil Company of N.J., 292 U.S. 87, 95-96 (1935)
Ok so if its not mentioned it does not apply, The constitution states all "person" human beings are free not obligors, legal fathers. non custodial parents, corporations or things..
Further more the obligor is the person (non human) who is obligated to pay child support..
This Means as a man you are not subject to pay anything by virtue of law and definitions...
So how did you become an obligor??
good question
lets look at sec. 1208 Accuracy of Uniform Summary Support Order Accuracy of Uniform Summary Support Order The litigants must be properly named and properly identified as either obligor or oblige
NAME; the designation of an individual person (human being) or of a firm or corporation. Human beings have a first name and a family name, not a last name...
A litigant is defined as a party to a lawsuit, its obviously clear that the only party to a child support lawsuit is an obligor as defined earlier. So therefore the term obligor is a firm or corporation and not a human being, it has no rights and is not created by god, its created by law and it cannot be you.
Lets look at sec. 1205.8.1 Collection of Social Security Numbers
The CSHO is authorized to obtain Social Security numbers on the record for child support purposes. See 42 U.S.C. §405. The litigant is required to supply his or her Social Security number for the purpose of establishing and enforcing child support.
Ok now we are cooking because you know the litigant is the obligor and the obligor is obligated to pay child support,
its also herein confirmed that the social security they require belongs to the litigant which is an obligor, which is not human and created by law and not god making a corporation which is an artificial person... and it has no constitutional guaranteed rights as a man does...
Ok now, lets look at the social security number that belongs to the obligor.
again to confirm our facts I refer you to
CSHO Standard 3 Commentary, lack of an obligor’s Social Security Number significantly hinders Probation’s ability to use automated systems to locate an obligor’s assets or employer.
The Social Security Number is the key piece of information around which child support information systems is constructed, this is federal child support law sec. 8
Why the card is needed...

Those who put a Social Security Number one any government form create a presumption that they are Federal employees or public officers on official Federal government business in the context of whatever they attach the social security number to. 20 CFR §422.104 describes the conditions under which SSN’s may be issued. You will note that title 20 of the CFR says “employee benefits” which means Federal employees and not private employees. This means that the number can only be issued to and therefore used by Federal employees on official business. 20 CFR §422.103(d) furthermore says that Social Security numbers are government property plainly illustrated on the back of the card itself. Government property can only be issued to government employees on official business. It is a crime to use public property for private use.
18 U.S.C. §641 makes it a crime to embezzle public property including the SSN and use it for private use; 18 U.S.C. §912 makes it a crime to impersonate a Federal officer or employee; 18 U.S.C. §2O8 makes it a crime to perform any act with government property that affects private interest.
What does all this mean?? It means by using government property which can only be in the possession of government employees your subjugated to all government by-laws, codes, statutes, and acts. It means that you are no longer considered a human being created by the creator of creation (god) but you are in fact created by the Federal Corporation know as the United States and you are their bitch!
The treasury regulations in 26 CFR contain a presumption that if you have a Social Security Number that you must be a “United States Person” with a domiciled in the District of Columbia. 26 CFR §301.6109-1(g) for special rules for taxpayer identified numbers to foreign persons—(1) General rule (i) social security number. A Social Security number is generally identified in the records and database of the Internal Revenue Service as a number belonging to a United States citizen or resident alien individual.
Again to overstand these facts, you must first unplug from the matrix of illusion and obfuscation and realize that the United States is not a geographical land mass. 28 U.S.C. §3002(15)(A) United States “means” Federal Corporation. This corporation is also defined as the District of Columbia in accordance with 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(9) & (a)(10). If you were not born in the District of Columbia also referred to as the United States than you are not a United States citizen/person or resident. However when you submit a Social Security card name and number on any government document you create the presumption that you are a resident or employee of that corporation.
New Jersey Child Support Jurisdiction is only in the District of Columbia, here is your proof.
Pursuant to N.J. R. 5:25-3 (b)(1-9) Jurisdiction;
The Child Support Hearing Officer shall hear and make recommendations that the court enter orders based thereon in all Title IV-D, Federal Social Security Act, cases. This means their limited authority applies only in federal by-laws which can only be applied on federal territory, to a federal person, citizen or resident.
Lets talk about Title 42 of the U.S. Codes.
The entire Social Security Act found under Title 42 of the United States Codes is not enacted into positive law=rima facie evidence according to 1 U.S.C. §204.
Consequently it is nothing more than a presumption. Presumptions are not evidence, it is a violation of due process of law to treat them as evidence, and judges have no delegated authority to turn them into evidence.
What this means is that unless you voluntarily contract into this law you are not obligated to it what so ever, it does not apply to you and this is done by contract and under child support is called the Certificate of Parentage... Which signing is 100% voluntary and creates the obligor which the state needs you to be..
Im ending for know but stay tuned for more ammunition...